Psychology writing.


Discussion Instructions: Read an article and watch a presentation to better understand critically thinking as a scholar and the ethical challenges associated with research.  When doing so, students should consider the research articles they read in this class and the Literature Review paper they wrote.

1. Read the following article: Freedman 2010 lies damned lies and medical science.docx 

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2. Watch the following video:

3. Summarize and synthesize the information addressed in the Freedman (2010) article and the Goldacre (2011) video presentation.4. Critically analyze the research literature applied to the Week 7 paper:

  • what information could have been withheld from the literature to support the claims of the authors (cite specific examples)?
  • what information is still needed to further support or refute your Week 7 Literature Review topic (provide specific examples)?

5. How can information from the Freedman (2010) article and the Goldacre (2011) video presentation help you (the student) critically analyze your Week 7 Literature Review paper?

  • Based on your critical analysis of the research, what are some potentially misleading comments and/or claims you provided as a student (quote your own comments if needed)?  Keep in mind the goal of this question is not punitive, but rather this question is designed to help students learn how to reflect on their own work and improve future papers and research.


Freedman, D. H. (2010, November). Lies, damned lies, and medical science. The Atlantic. Retrieved from

Goldacre, B. (2011, July). Battling bad science [Video file]. Retrieved from as always for every discussion and assignment, students must properly cite resources in-text and in a “References” list.Reply Quote Email AuthorSelect: All None

Psychology writing

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