PTSD Brochure.

Using between 350 and 400 words create a tri-fold health brochure on the topic of Posttraumatic Stress.

You will use the Microsoft Word pamphlet template. The pamphlet needs to be visually interesting and use appropriate images. This project must have 350 – 400 of your own words. Quotations are not part of the word count. Grammar and spelling are important.

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You must cite all of your sources using APA style. Graphs and tables must be cited though pictures need not be.

You will use a tri-fold style pamphlet and all panels must have text. Your name and topic go on the front panel and works cited go on the back panel or on a separate page.

Create Content! Be sure to meet these four content requirements.

  1. Be sure to clearly (and in your OWN WORDS) define all key terms.   
  2. Explain how your topic relates to health/mental health and adjustment. This can include how knowledge of your topic can help people live better lives. For example, for a health issue, explain what will happen if someone does not address it, including causes, progression, and treatment. 
  3. Include your name, PSY 118 section # (i.e. 0004) and semester (i.e. Spring 2019) on the cover of your brochure. 
  4. Be sure to write for the general public.  Write as if someone has no knowledge of this psychology course, so over – explain as needed (key terms). 

Sources and Citations: 


You will need to find at least four reliable sources to gather information from, and summarize using your own words. You may use direct quotes, but sparingly. Please cite these appropriately using APA style.

You may use your textbook as one of your sources. (Weiten/Hammer/Dunn “Adjust” student edition)

You must use at least one source that is non – internet.

You can quote from someone with experience in the area, but you must be sure to give proper credit, and share their credentials (i.e. they must have some expertise in the area).

Get creative! 

Use a template.

The easiest way to create a brochure is to use either a Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher pamphlet template.


PTSD Brochure

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