QSO 300. Overview: Based on the readings and your own independent research, this short paper will be used so you can explore the course content deeper and apply key concepts and theories learned in your readings.Prompt: Develop a listing of what you believe are the most important metrics for operations managers. (Hint: Be sure to consider the triple bottom line.)

-How does each metric support the overall financial performance of the organization?

-What data would be used to support this metric and how would you ensure that the data are of sufficient quality?

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-How does data analytics support your metrics? Be sure to fully explain your rationale for selecting these metrics.

Guidelines for Submission: Considering the concepts learned in this lesson and throughout the course, submit a short paper response to the above prompt.

Your paper must be 2–3 pages in length, with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.

QSO 300

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