Relapse Prevention Plan. Read the “Jed Assessment Case Study” and imagine that Jed is your client.

Complete the relapse prevention plan worksheet by developing a relapse prevention plan for Jed.

Use third person (i.e., Jed will or the client will) and assume that the two of you have formulated the plan together.

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APA style is not required but solid academic writing is expected.


  • Review the rubric!
    • If you want to get points for a certain area of your paper, look at the rubric. It tells you how to make this happen
    • Address all the content areas identified in the guidelines for the assignment.
  • Use an appropriate structure for your paper.
    • FIND 2 PEER-REVIEWED SOURCES (though often many more are needed)
    • Not web pages. Scholarly = Peer-Reviewed / Published
    • Aim to use current resources as well. Sometimes dated information leads people to state things as fact when they really are not viewed this way in the present.
  • APA is King in the counseling field
    • All written submissions you will do in this field assume you understand APA format.
    • If you are not sure how to do this, consult the APA Manual and do a full read through for a few hours. This will earn you so many points in the future.
    • Find reputable web resources for specific formatting questions if you feel stuck.

Relapse Prevention Plan

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