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Hello Dr. VW and class. The symptoms between unipolar depression and bipolar depression are similar in that they are both disorders that cause major disruptions in a person’s life. The difference is the severity and the biological factors that are causing the disorders. Unipolar (major depressive disorder) is a prolonged time of feeling depressed without manic or hypomanic episodes. Depression can be linked to bereavement or another mental illness (Galvao, Sportich, Lambert, Amie, Musa, Nieto, 2013). Bipolar disorder is a prolonged period of depression with manic or hypomanic episodes. Moods can go from one extreme to another.

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Nonmedication treatments can be more effective for unipolar depression due to the ability to be able to change the way that the person thinks. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy allows a person to redirect thier thinking patters in order to change the behavior that is causing depression and anxiety. Bipoler disorders are treated with medication due to the chemical imbalance that a person has in their brain.

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