Research paper. a possible question is the advantage and the disadvantage of social medial on adolescent

1. Research Paper 75 points (See Grading Rubric Below)

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to move from beyond basic mastery of developmental aspects of behavior to a more advanced integrative knowledge of the ways in which development is a constant interplay of affective, biological, cognitive, social, and other aspects of behaviors. For this paper you are asked to select a topic or issue in developmental psychology that you would like to learn more about. After reviewing a minimum of 12 peer-reviewed journal articles and/or scholarly books, you will write a paper that outlines your topic and explains its relevance to developmental psychology. In your review of the literature make sure that you address two or more aspects of behavior (affective, biological, cognitive, social, etc.) related to your developmental issue. You must also include a discussion of cultural considerations and how aspects of individual and cultural diversity may impact your topic. Your paper should be 10-12 pages long, not including Title Page and References. Below is a sample outline for your paper.

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I. Abstract

II. Introduction

a. Provide a brief overview of your topic or issue.

b. Explain why you chose this topic and its relevance to human development.

III. Review and Integration of the Literature

IV. Further Directions for Prevention, Treatment, and/or Research

V. References

Research paper

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