Resolving Disputes And Managing Risk.

Negligence and Medical Malpractice

View the assigned Healthcare Law LearnScape interactive episode. You will be presented with a negligence case stemming from an incident in the hospital. You must interview staff members and work with the General Counsel to determine the hospital’s liability for negligence and medical malpractice.

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Prompt: Based on the information you gathered from the LearnScape video interviews, on your research, and on a biblical worldview, analyze this incident and write your recommendation to the Chief Counsel regarding negligence/malpractice liability. Directly address the 4 elements required to prove negligence:

  1. Duty to care
  2. Breach of duty
  3. Injury
  4. Causation (specifically foreseeability)

Title your thread “Liable” or “Not Liable” to reflect your conclusion.

1400 words atleast 6 peer reviewed sources in APA format.

Resolving Disputes And Managing Risk

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