Searching Textual Documents.

 “Searching Textual Documents” Please respond to the following:

1. Your company has been hired to design a product that will provide searches of textual documents and database querying. Your design team has not developed a product like this before. Examine the challenges associated with searching in textual documents and database querying. Describe how the five-stage search framework ould be used to overcome those challenges.

  1. Formulation
    Use simple and advanced search.
  • Limit the search using structured fields such as year, media, or location.
  • Recognize phrases to allow entry of names, such as “George Washington.”
  • Permit variants to allow relaxation of search constraints (e.g., phonetic variations).
  • Control the size of the initial result set.
  • Use scoping of source carefully.
  • Provide suggestions, hints, and common sources.
  1. Initiation of action
           Explicit actions are initiated by buttons with consistent labels (such as “Search”).
    • Implicit actions are initiated by changes to a parameter and update results immediately.
    • Guide users to successful or past queries with auto-complete.
  2. Review of results
    Keep search terms and constraints visible.
  • Provide an overview of the results (e.g., total number).
  • Categorize results using metadata (by attribute value, topics, etc.).
  • Provide descriptive previews of each result item.
  • Highlight search terms in results.
  • Allow examination of selected items.
  • Provide visualizations when appropriate (e.g., maps or timelines).
  • Allow adjustment of the size of the result set and which fields are displayed.
  • Allow change of sequencing (alphabetical, chronological, relevance ranked, etc.).
  1. Refinement
    Guide users in progressive refinement with meaningful messages.
  • Make changing of search parameters convenient.
    • Provide related searches.
    • Provide suggestions for error correction (without forcing correction).
  1. Use
    Imbed actions in results when possible.
    • Allow queries, settings, and results to be saved, annotated, and sent to other applications.
    • Explore collecting explicit feedback (ratings, reviews, like, etc.

 2. Assess current multimedia document search techniques and suggest three techniques to improve multimedia search experiences. Explain why you chose to recommend each of the techniques you suggested. 

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  • Note From Professor:  
  • Course: Examine the challenges associated with searching in textual documents and database querying.
  • Greetings CIS524,
  • SQL queries work great for text based attributes. How does one search for videos/audio/image files without using text based searches?

1 page and 1 source total.   Each question has to have 1 citation it can be same source for both questions. 

Searching Textual Documents

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