see describtion.

You will be graded based on the following:

A) Adherence to instructions, that is, if the question calls for X amount of examples, they should all be there, clearly delineated and labeled.

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B) Details. Writing, “the film taught me a lot about media” will result in an F. Explaining, with detailed reference to course work, how a film taught you something, what, in what way, etc. will lead you closer to an A. Your answers should be written as if explaining yourself to someone who has not been in this class, who has no idea what we have done and who you need to understand what you are saying.

C) Timeliness. Every 10 minutes your exam is late you will lose 5 points toward your final grade.

D) Your conclusions are your own and never factor in to your grade. You are only graded based on the steps taken to make your point or reach your conclusion and your adherence to all stated instructions.

1) Watch THIS VIDEO with Sut Jhally and answer the following (35 points)

  1. Why does Jhally say we struggle to think about race? Because we don’t think about what?
  2. What were the mainstream press claims about the impact on America and race by the election of Obama?
  3. How does DuBois describe what “race” actually is?
  4. How does Jhally relate understanding an issue to acting on it?
  5. How does Jhally describe the “Cosby Effect” and how does he say Obama has deployed that effect? What is the comparison of Cosby and Obama to a “priest” and the function both play regarding Whiteness?
  6. What does Bush say was the worst moment in his life?
  7. What is “enlightened racism?”

2) Using an example from class not already used (documentary, reading, discussion, etc) explain in detail how you interpret our use of “the fundamental importance of a power struggle” and how this impacts your media experience. (10 points)

3) Using specific and detailed examples from the documentary explain how you understand our class use of the OJ Made in America documentary. For instance; What does the documentary say about media? The impact of media? The concept or notion of critical media literacy? (10 points)

4) Watch We Are Legion and answer the following questions (35 points):

  1. Who or what is “Anonymous?”
  2. What are the concerns of “Anonymous?”
  3. Where is “hacking” said to begin and in which of these activities did they engage?
  4. With what is Apple (Steve Jobs) and Microsoft (Bill Gates) said to have begun?
  5. What change in “Anonymous” occurs around the issue of Hal Turner? What “split” occurs within “Anonymous” around this period?
  6. What is “DCMA?”
  7. What was the position taken by “Anonymous” regarding WikiLeaks and Julian Asange?
  8. How does this film relate – be specific in your use of at least one example – to our discussion of “critical media literacy?”

5) Watch THIS FILM IS NOT YET RATED (PART 2 is linked on the side of the page where PART 1 plays) and answer the following questions (25 points):

  1. NC-17 used to be known as what rating?
  2. The current rating system is described by Jon Lewis as what?
  3. Who/what organization gives the ratings?
  4. What are some impacts of ratings on films?
  5. What does “independent” mean?
  6. What role was played by Will Hays?
  7. Who was Jack Valenti? What organization did he start/head and what did/does it do? And who do they serve?
  8. What is meant by describing the film industry as a set of “vertically integrated monopolies?”
  9. What was the “Blacklist?”
  10. What is more likely to receive an NC-17 rating, a violence or sex?
  11. What is the relationship between Hollywood and the military?
  12. Describe the relationship represented between Hollywood and elected officials/politicians/government.
  13. To whom are copyright “pirates” compared?
  14. What rating does this film receive?

6) Answer the following questions with detail, examples, thought: “How do you know what you know and why do you like what you like?” (10 points)

see describtion

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