Select a company that has violated an HR law.. Imagine that you are an HR manager within that organization. You have been tasked with developing a training to help prevent future violations of the HR law.
Compile research and information to include in your training.
Address the following in 900 words from your research:
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Order Paper NowSummarize the situation, explaining key HR law considerations should take place and the impact on the organization by explaining objective details.
Discuss the law’s requirements. Include information regarding what the law does, how it is executed, and the execution gaps of your selected organization.
Recommend three steps that organizational leadership should take in order to avoid challenges such as this one from happening in the future.
Cite your sources with APA formatting. Provide at least two terms, or concepts or best practices per page; Provide at least two citations per page; Provide two peer-reviewed references from the weekly reading only, that support citations.
peer-reviewed references:
chap 1 & 2
Dessler, G. 2017). Human Resource Management, 15th Ed, Pearson Education, Inc
Select a company that has violated an HR law.
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