Short Research Paper. Write a short paper on one of the following papers:

The agile requirements refinery: Applying SCRUM principles to software product management (or alternate source) by Kevin Vlaanderen, Slinger Jansen, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Erik Jaspers


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Are you biting off more than you can chew? A case study on causes and effects of overscoping in large-scale software engineering by Elizabeth Bjarnason, Krzysztof Wnuk, Björn Regnell

In your paper, please include a summary of the paper – enough for me to know that you have understood the paper, a critique comprising of the points that you agree or disagree with — supporting your point of view in either case, and possible future research directions — other than those mentioned already by the authors.

Note that Agile, when used as a proper noun, should be capitalized. Similarly, when Scrum is being used as a proper noun, it too should be first-letter caps. It’s not an acronym.

You will write a short paper (5 pages, not including title page or references, using APA format) on the research paper. Include an over view of the paper and future research that could be done to extend the paper.

Short Research Paper

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