Social Disorganization Theory, assignment help.

complete a literature review by surveying scholarly articles, books, and other peer-reviewed sources relevant to a criminological theory.  Start this assignment by identifying a focused thesis statement. Be sure to inform your instructor of your topic before you begin this assignment. 

This paper will include:

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  • 5-7 pages in content length (excluding Title page, References page etc.), mostly narrative in format. 
  • Title page
  • Introduction (Ensure research question is stated in this section)
  • Content/Critical Thinking Analysis & Interpretation (Discuss findings and conclusions of pertinent literature)
  • Conclusion – Summarize and synthesize arguments and ideas of authors without adding new contributions
  • References
  • Papers must follow APA guidelines (especially in regards to citing sources to avoid plagiarized work).
  • Utilize content from the scholarly sources. (Note: Wikipedia is not a scholarly resource). 

Social Disorganization Theory, assignment help

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