Social Listening and Future Business Opportunities discussion.

In this assignment, you will discuss ways to improve communication and customer service for your business. You will also investigate how customer feedback can lead to additional ideas that can help to grow your business.

Write a 350- to 525-word paper in which you answer the following questions:

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  • What are some of the ways in which you can reach out to customers to improve communication, provide additional information, proactively support your product(s)/service(s), establish good customer rapport, and help build your business network? (e.g. email, newsletters, surveys, focus groups, loyalty clubs, referrals)
  • How will you solicit feedback for your product(s)/service(s), and what type of information will you collect? How will you use this information to improve your product(s)/service(s), customer service, or business operations?
  • Based on industry trends, what additional business opportunities would you consider pursuing in the future? (e.g. growing your business, franchising your business, buying an existing business) How do you foresee growing these opportunities out of your existing business operations?
  • What new products or services can you foresee evolving out of your existing business? How do you envision expanding these product(s)/service(s) out of your existing network?

Summarize your responses and cite any resources as needed.

Format your paper consistent with STRICT APA guidelines. Include a minimum of 2 references

Social Listening and Future Business Opportunities discussion

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