Sociology Discussion 1.

Sociology Discussion 1 

Deviance and Social Class” Please respond to one (1) of the following:

  • Sociologists explain deviance by three (3) major perspectives: biological, functional conflict, and symbolic interaction. Identify your role, for example, as a parent and which perspective best reflects your personal experience. Discuss the main reasons why this perspective is relevant. 
  • Review Figure 7.1: “Class in the United States” on page 159 of the textbook, in particular, the typical incomes. Speculate on the typical per capita income for your area. Next, go to the United States Census Bureau’s Website, located at, to determine the actual per capita for your county or region. Compare your perception of your area’s per capita and the actual per capita for your area. If you were close, provide a rationale for your speculation. If there was a major discrepancy between your speculation and the actual per capita, suggest a reason for the discrepancy.

Sociology Discussion 1

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