“Stanford Marshmallow Experiment” – Delayed Gratification in Children.

Abstract Writing

Guidelines and Samples

Your abstract is a short description (250 words) of what you did and learned from your research project. It should be interesting, informative, and written for a broad audience. Don’t assume the reader knows why your work is significant.

Format (Abstracts are limited to 250 words)


1 sentence placing the study in context and 1-2 sentences explicitly stating what the study investigated and why it was special.


1-3 sentences summing up the approach, or the most important methods used to investigate the problem

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Results and Discussion

1-3 sentences that summarize the MAJOR results and potential future applications.


1 sentence that summarizes why your results are significant and perhaps what you will do in the future.

Things to Avoid

  • References to other literature
  • References to figures or images
  • Overuse of abbreviations or acronyms
  • Repetition
  • Including unnecessary or vague sentences

“Stanford Marshmallow Experiment” – Delayed Gratification in Children

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