Strategic Alliances.

Strategic Alliances

Using the same manufacturing company you selected for the Week Two Assignment, address the following points:

  1. Identify a strategic alliance your chosen company has formed and discuss how three to four of the issues from the following list have been addressed by the alliance:
    • Adding value to products
    • Improving market access
    • Strengthening operations
    • Adding technological strength
    • Enhancing strategic growth
    • Enhancing organizational skills
    • Building financial strength
  2. It is common for a strategic alliance to be formed with a third party logistics provider (3PL). Describe three to four benefits that may be realized from such an alliance.

Your paper must be four to five pages (not including title and reference pages) and must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide. You must cite at least three scholarly to the textbook and the Forbes web site.

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Strategic Alliances

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