Strategic Change Management.

Case Study Analysis: AirAsia and the Tune Group: diversifying across industries

authored by Julie Verity, Mark Jenkins and Tazeb Rajwani. pp. 651 – 658

Johnson G., Whittington R., Scholes K., Angwin D. and Regner P. 11th Edition Exploring Strategy Text and Cases Pearson Education

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  1. Using Porter’s five forces model, analyse the attractiveness of the South East Asian airline industry. In your answer, discuss the barriers to entry a new entrant might face in this industry.


  • Conduct a value chain analysis to determine AirAsia and the Tune Group’s organisational capabilities and advance this analysis by using additional framework(s) to interpret their core competencies.


  • Discuss how AirAsia and the Tune Group used their existing capabilities to grow and diversify their business. Using Ansoff’s Product/Market Matrix, analyse the case evidence on which growth directions AirAsia and the Tune Group have pursued and make recommendations on future growth options.


Mark allocated for the presentation of analysis, selection of appropriate tools and use of case evidence.


Strategic Change Management

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