strategic planning, management homework help.

GOAL: Create an 800-1000 word paper that presents a compare and contrast of three companies’ mission/vision/values statements, utilizing the tools of strategic planning.

Instructions: Write a 800-1000 word paper (body content length) based on researched artifacts from three companies in the same sector of private or non-profit industry (e.g., restaurants, services, products, hospitals, etc.) and their individual presentation of mission, vision, and values. After presenting each company’s brief history, mission, vision, and values, compare and contrast the various features and differences between the selected same-sector companies. Using relevant research via peer-reviewed journals from the online library, conclude your paper with a scholarly assessment about the strengths and weaknesses of the mission, vision, and values of the companies researched. Make sure to emphasize the compare/contrast element of this assignment as you look at the companies alongside each other—that is where the analytical assessment comes into play; that is the place to demonstrate your ability to think and write critically.

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Suggestions to help your writing:

  • Use level headings (APA) to distinguish the various parts of your paper. No abstract is required, but a title page and references page are required.
  • Visit the following website to help you set up your APA paper:
  • You may use any level of sources—scholarly, popular press, or websites—to provide foundational information used to inform you about each organization. However, make sure to properly cite and reference these sources according to chapter seven of APA.
  • Regardless what sources you use to gain information about the companies, you are still required to list and use three scholarly journal sources in the assertions you provide at the end of your paper. Be careful to differentiate between “trade” journals and genuine “peer-reviewed” sources so that your compare and contrast is based upon theoretical foundations instead of opinions or advertisements.
  • The paper should be written in third person and is not reflective (first person not acceptable).

strategic planning, management homework help

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