Strategy 7: Gender Issues in the Expatriate World OR Option #2: Strategy 7: Expatriate Training. For this milestone, put yourself in the position of the vice president of international human resource management for a multinational corporation. As has been the case with the other Milestone assignments in this course, this will be part of the creation of an international human resource management program. However, this Milestone assignment will pose a unique challenge to you in that you will explore the issues of gender, particularly for female employees in the expatriate world. To get a well-rounded perspective on gender issues, assess the acceptance of female expatriate employees in three (3) of the five (5) regions of the world that represent the majority of the expatriate opportunities around the globe: 1) the Middle East, 2) Latin America, 3) Africa, 4) Asia, and 5) Europe.

While you are not required to provide a step-by-step process related to deploying a female expatriate as this is already part of your IHRM employment opportunity program, you must create a memo for the Board of Directors that provides an overview of female expatriate acceptance in each of the regions you selected and assesses the opportunity to promote gender equality and overcome barriers in these regions.

This Milestone assignment should be no more than two pages in length (not including cover and reference pages), so focus on being clear and concise. Your Milestone should be formatted according to APA and supported by a minimum of two academic sources.

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Option #2: Strategy 7: Expatriate Training

To get a well-rounded perspective of the expatriate experience, assess the cultural factors that impact expatriate employees in three (3) of the five (5) regions of the world that represent the majority of the expatriate opportunities around the globe: 1) the Middle East, 2) Latin America, 3) Africa, 4) Asia, and 5) Europe. Select three of these five regions and create expatriate training recommendations for each region to assist in acclimating to the culture and managing stressors in that locale. A minimum of three training recommendations should be provided for each region.

This Milestone assignment should be no more than two pages in length (not including cover and reference pages), so focus on being clear and concise. Your Milestone should be formatted according to the APA and supported by a minimum of two academic sources.

Strategy 7: Gender Issues in the Expatriate World OR Option #2: Strategy 7: Expatriate Training

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