Strategy and Technology, and chapter eight, Strategy in the Global Environment..

This assignment covers chapter seven, Strategy and Technology, and chapter eight, Strategy in the Global Environment.

Chapter 7 Questions

  1. Describe standardization, format wars, and how standardization can lead to a format war. Who can benefit from a format war and why?
  2. Once standardization occurs, how does an industry benefit?
  3. During a format war, describe how competition occurs and how a price war can take shape.
  4. Define first and second movers. what are the advantages of being the first mover? What are the advantages of being the second mover.

Chapter 8 Questions

  1. Why do companies go global? Once a company has decided to go global, what entry modes could the company leverage to break into the global market? What is that entry mode is based on?
  2. What additional benefits from economies of scale does a company receive from going global? How economies of scale can be related to the decision of a company going global?
  3. Describe the main strategies available to an organization going global. Describe why different strategies may be chosen.
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different entry modes a company can use to break into the global market? What resources and distinctive competencies a company should have to choose specific entry mode?

Strategy and Technology, and chapter eight, Strategy in the Global Environment.

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