Student Roster and Financial Report (100 Points).

The purpose of this part of the activity is to allow students to create a basic financial report using Microsoft Excel and its basic functions. Students will think about what kind of expenses your club will be spending and create a basic pie chart to display all the expenses. Be creative!


Please follow the steps below to complete Milestone #2:

Student Roster Worksheet

  • Download the “CapstoneProject_Milestone2_workingfile.xlsx
  • Go to “Student Roster” worksheet. You will see all the names of your club members.
  • Type “25” to those students who were indicated as “Y” (Yes) to the Membership Paid column.
  • Type “0” to those students who have not paid for the membership.
  • Use appropriate formula to calculate the total membership fee that the club has been collected.
  • Make sure that you format the “Amount Paid” column appropriately so that you can display “$” inside the column. Hint: use “Accounting” format.
  • Format this “Student Roster” sheet to look more professional and appealing. You may use any pre-load format styles. Use appropriate font and color.

Budget Planning Worksheet

  • In the same working file, go to the next worksheet, “Budget Planning.”
  • Use appropriate formula to display the “Total Membership Fee” that you calculated from the “Student Roster” tab.
  • Use appropriate formula to calculate the “Total Revenue.”
  • Think about some of the items, events, and activities that you will plan to spend on the club. Then, type the amount of the expenses next to the expense items.
  • Use appropriate formula to display the “Total Expenses.”
  • Format this Budget Planning sheet to look professional and appealing.
  • Create a pie chart to display all the expenses. Place the chart below the Budget Planning table.
  • Save your work. Go to Blackboard, Course Content, and Excel Module to submit your file.

Student Roster and Financial Report (100 Points)

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