TED Videos. You will be required to watch selected TED videos from the TED website (www.ted.com) or from YouTube.com (www.youtube.com). You are to look at these talks and decide (analyze) significance of each and make comments on how to use these skills in an organization. Write your comments using Word 2013-2017, 2010 or pdf format. Two pages (but not to exceed 3 pages) in length requirement.

TED Videos

Ideas are exciting and help to change the world. The TED website has some fascinating presentations. The Digital Revolution is taking place because of the increased power of computers and innovative ideas. The ideas below are going to change every organization on global bases just like the SNS (social Networking Sites) has.

Here are a few sample exciting TED videos:

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You are to look at these talks and describe how their innovative ideas have driven the digital revolution. You must decide how to use these skills in an organization. Also, you are required to find two new presentations and describe them (title, URL and what they are about).

TED Videos

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