The authors attempted through this study to determine whether burnout has various levels as correlated with demographic, education level, and professional indices..

Identify the Topic you Selected in the First Line of your Posting

The topic I selected is nursing burnout.  I attempted to select a t-test study for nursing burnout and EHR; however, I could not find a study covering these key words, so I settled for nursing burnout.  The DNP project I wish to implement is to create an educational training for the new EHR start-up to decrease nurse stress and burnout.

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Summarize the Study Discussed in your Selected Research Article and Provide a Complete APA Citation. Include in your Summary the Sample, Data Sources, Inferential Statistic Utilized, and Findings

Malliarou, M. M., Moustaka, E. C., & Konstantinidis, T. C. (2008). Burnout of nursing personnel in a regional university hospital. Health Science Journal, 2(3), 140-152.

The authors attempted through this study to determine whether burnout has various levels as correlated with demographic, education level, and professional indices.  The study was conducted at a regional hospital with two questionnaires:  a demographic questionnaire and the Maslach Burnout Inventory.  Descriptive statistical analysis was completed with One Way Variance Analysis (ANOVA) and a t-test.  The ANOVA was used to determine the statistical significance of the levels of burnout and the levels of demographic and education level data.  The t-test was then used to compare the means of the two groups and the ANOVA was used to compare the means in multiple groups.  The authors discovered that demographic and education level data did not have statistical significance for burnout prediction, and that the higher the level of perceived burnout, the more the nurse is likely to quit their position, leave the facility, or retire.

Evaluate the Purpose and Value of this Particular Research Study to the Topic.

The purpose of this research study was to determine if there are different levels of burnout and if burnout is correlated to demographic and educational level status.  The t-test is a test that seeks to reject the null hypothesis and show that there is statistical significance between the variables (Laerd, 2013).  The study question is an intriguing one!  Attempting to look at different levels of burnout and if these levels can correlate to staff nurses demographics/education is one that has not been broached before.  In this case, discovering that there is not a statistical significance is great news as well – this information can be used when constructing additional studies.  This information can also be used when creating policies in facilities for preventing burnout, understanding what burn out is, what it is not, and factors that create burnout and those that do not.

Did Using Inferential Statistics Strengthen or Weaken the Study’s Application to Evidence-Based Practice?

In this case, the use of inferential statistics strengthened the study and the information gained from the study that can be generalized to the population at large.  Being able to statistically calculate that there is not a significance between demographics and education level and levels of burnout with staff nurses.  If this were a qualitative study, this valuable piece of information would not have been revealed.




Laerd Statistics. (2013). Independent t-test for two samples. Retrieved from

Malliarou, M. M., Moustaka, E. C., & Konstantinidis, T. C. (2008). Burnout of nursing personnel in a regional university hospital. Health Science Journal, 2(3), 140-152.





As requested – expanded discussion board answer detailing the t-test and ANOVA measurements.  NOTE:  The information listed here is the extent of the information given in the original study article.

The study determined demographics and education level, and levels of burnout in an attempt to determine a correlation between the two.



This table shows the levels of burnout:

Scores of subscales of burnout

Subscale                                   low      median           high

Emotional exhaustion          <=20     21-30           >=31

Personal accomplishments   >=42    41-30            <=35

Depersonalisation                 <=5       6-10             >=11

This table shows the demographic information – NOTE:  This is a European study and has been recorded in the article as the European notations of a comma instead of a decimal poin


Table 1

Demographic information of nursing staff 

Characteristics                                                            n=64


Mean age ±SD (year)                                                 37,17 ± 7,38


Mean duration of nursing ±SD(year)                         13,6 ±8,9


Gender male                                                               6


female                                                                                     58


Educational level

Technological Educational

Institutions                                                                  39


2 years nursing school                                                25


Marital status:

Married                                                                       43


Single or divorced                                                      20


Additional education

nursing specialization title                                         3


none                                                                            61


Working role

Head nurse                                                                  11


Clinical registered nurse                                              30


Nurse assistant                                                           23


Working place in hospital

ICUs, emergency or

operating rooms                                                         35


Inpatient services                                                       20


Outpatient clinics,

laboratories or

administrative units                                                   9


Working experience

1-5 years                                                                     20


6-15 years                                                                   14


>16years                                                                     30


Shifts worked

Only days                                                                    16


Days and/or nights                                                     48


Mean number of night shifts

per person in a month                                                 3,47 (±2,75)


Table 2

Mean– SD Burnout Subscales

subscales                                                         mean                           SD

EMOTIONAL EXHAUSTION                       26,77                           12,64

DEPERSONALIZATION                               10,09                           6,40

PERSONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS            37,98                           7,10


Putting this information together:

Page 146 of the article shows the ANOVA results as the burnout questionnaire with very little correlation between the demographic data and the burnout levels that is visualized in Table 4 (p. 148).  The t-test was performed on the demographic data and working conditions Table 3 (p. 146).  Again, there was little statistical significance with this measurement.  The authors then ran an analysis using a Chi-Square test for the variables of education level and the three burnout dimensions revealed through the ANOVA analysis.

The use of a Chi-Square will test if there is a statistical significance between two variables with the same sample, and whether there is a statistical significance between the variables (StatTrek, 2017).  The Chi Square analysis showed that additional education had a statistical significance with the level of burnout of depersonalization.  In addition, this analysis revealed that emotional exhaustion level was found to  be influenced by shift work and willingness to retire.  Lastly, the Chi Square correlated the burnout level of depersonalization with hindrance of collaboration (p.145.

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The authors attempted through this study to determine whether burnout has various levels as correlated with demographic, education level, and professional indices.

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