The Debilitating Effects of TV on Children. Throughout this course, you will analyze authors’ arguments and reasoning about different issues in psychology. Review the blog post by Dr. John M. Grohol, “The Debilitating Effects of TV on Children,” linked in the Resources. Use your understanding of critical thinking skills and the Article Analysis Worksheet to analyze his position.

In this discussion, address at least one of his main arguments and supporting evidence. Also, to uphold his argument, consider what the author assumes to be true. Does he provide evidence for his assumptions? Describe his assumptions, both supported and unsupported. What evidence does he cite that supports his assumptions and arguments?

Using APA citations and references, give proper credit to authors of information used to support your arguments.

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Include the following elements in your main post to the discussion:

  • Discuss one of the author’s main arguments to support his position. Include evidence he used to support his argument.
  • Discuss assumptions the author makes.

The Debilitating Effects of TV on Children

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