The Impact of Chronic Illness. In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages formatted in APA style, describe the information collected about a person with a chronic illness.
Identify one person from the illness group you chose in Week 1 to interview. The person should not be a patient at the facility in which you work. You can use friends, family members, or coworkers. Do not use the person’s name in the paper, only initials.
Administer the questionnaire you created in Week 1 to that person and address the following:
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Order Paper Now- Compile the data and analyze the responses to better illustrate where this person, his or her family, and friends are in relation to accepting the diagnosis in relation to the standard health or illness definitions.
- The analysis should also include coping skills, treatment, and support aspects of the illness.
- Explain how this information will direct care plan development for the chosen illness group.
- Include a copy of the interview you created with the responses from the person interviewed in an Appendix.
Support your responses with examples and information from library resources, textbook and lectures.
On a separate reference page, cite all sources using APA format.
- Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources.
- This handout will provide you the details of formatting your essay using APA style.
- You may create your essay in this APA-formatted template.
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