The Revolution Within, management homework help.

Ch.6, The Revolution Within

  • In what ways did political and religious liberties expand after the Revolution? (Democratizing Freedom + Toward Religious Toleration)
  • How did the Revolution affect the status of women? (Daughters of Liberty)

Ch.7, Founding a Nation (1783-1789)

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  • What events and ideas led to the belief in 1786 and 1787 that the Articles of Confederation were not working well? (America Under the Confederation)
  • What were the major arguments in support of the Constitution given by the Federalists? What were the major arguments against the Constitution put forth by the Anti-Federalists? (The Ratification Debate and the Origin of the Bill of Rights)

Ch.14, A New Birth of Freedom: The Civil War (1861-1865)

  • Describe how the North’s war aims evolved between 1861 and 1863, changing from simply preserving the Union to also ending slavery. What role did blacks play in winning the Civil War? (The Coming of Emancipation)
  • How did the war effort and leadership problems affect the society and economy of the Confederacy? (The Confederate Nation)

The Revolution Within, management homework help

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