Topic: Trends in organizational behavior and how to adapt it in your organization OR Organizational culture and communication. Write a short paper (450-600 words) that demonstrates a brief analysis of the scholarly research article you selected. You are to write your APA paper in such a way as to answer the questions/issues below. However, do not include the list on your paper. Instead, let the items guide the content expressed in your paper, which should be in typical paragraph form. Because of the shortness of the assignment, several of the items may be contained in a given paragraph. Be precise and you will be concise. Remember in the first paragraph you need to have a thesis statement. Please remember this is an academic paper and 3rd person is required.

•    After a brief introductory sentence. Tell whether the title is appropriate to the focus of the study. (Note: select an actual research study; avoid selecting a lecture on a topic. Research studies involve the collection and analysis of data, whereas lectures on a topic typically discuss a variety of research studies and do not provide the details of data collection and analysis.)
•    State the problem. Is the problem clearly stated? Does the problem have a theoretical rational? How significant is the problem studied in the research?
•    Is there a review of the literature? If so, is the literature relevant? Summarize (in a couple of sentences) the review of the literature.
•    Fully and completely describe the research method that was used to attack and answer the problem. Was the research method used to solve the problem qualitative or quantitative, or both? What instruments were used to answer the problem? Was there a sample used? If so, how was the sample selected?
•    State the hypothesis/questions or objectives. Were they stated clearly?
•    Are there any probable sources of error that might influence the results of the study? If so, have they been controlled?
•    What were the statistical or evaluative (quantitative/qualitative) techniques used to analyze the data? If so, were they appropriate? Note: There are many scholarly articles in appropriate journals that inform your topic. However, not all of them will describe research that evaluates data. Make sure that your selected article includes the evaluation/analysis of data. If you are unsure, this is the time to contact your professor and discuss it.
•    Summarize the results. How clearly were the results presented?
•    What are the limitations of the study? Are they stated?
•    Summarize the conclusion(s). Are the conclusions presented clearly? Does the data support the conclusions? Does the researcher over generalize the findings?
•    How can the results and conclusions presented in this study be applied in your particular field of study or work environment?

4. Utilize the APA Helps, as necessary, in the Resources area to help you present your brief paper in APA format, which means that you need to write a Title Page and References Page separate from the body of the text of the paper (no abstract or author note are needed). On this assignment, you should write the publication information about your article on the References Page (only one reference needed . . . the article you are analyzing) and then also cite the source in the body of the paper whenever you are stating facts from the article. Avoid unsupported statements whenever possible. In many cases, you will write a paragraph of text and insert a citation only once. When you have a direct quote, include the page number of the source, too. Some may ask why APA is so important. APA is the mode of communication of the written word in the business research field. It is the due diligence of graduate management students to excel at APA.

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Topic: Trends in organizational behavior and how to adapt it in your organization OR Organizational culture and communication

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