Toward a Sustainable Future IP.

Deliverable Length: 2–3 pages 

As an environmentalist, you are very interested in how economics plays a role in determining how many and what type of environmental laws are passed. There are many environmental laws that are determined by economic conditions.

Choose 1 environmental law to research, and give a detailed description of the law including the following:

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  • The date the law was passed
  • Description of the law
    • What are the provisions of the law?
  • Background information
    • What initiated the law?
    • Why was it passed?
  • Economic impact generated by the law
    • What kinds of costs, fines, or economic benefits are associated with the law? Provide economic data to support this.
  • Whether you feel that this particular environmental law has improved the environment or situation
    • Why or why not?

Toward a Sustainable Future IP

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