I have two discussion questions below. Each must have 200 word count and in own words. Please read all details for directions. These question is pertaining to health care.
This discussion question should be at least 200 words long, in your own words, and substantive in nature. Be sure to completely answer the specific question you choose.
Do ONE of the following.
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Order Paper Now-Explain the mission statement of your organization or another health care organization of your choice and what values and principles of the organization support the mission statement.
-Give an example of a way that ethical principles and values can be used to promote ethics in a health care organization. Explain the values and principles involved and how they were effective
-Review an organizational, corporate, or professional code of ethics in health care. Summarize the code of ethics for the class. Identify the values and principles found in the code. Indicate how individual and organizations can use the values found in the code of ethics to promote ethical behavior.
-Describe how your health care organization or another health care organization acts in a socially responsible way. Identify the values that promote social responsibility and the impact on the community.
-Give an example of an organization that has acted unethically in health care. Describe what was unethical and share your advice to the organization of how to change its practices to act ethically.
Need 1reference and citation (Choose any one, please follow direction and answer all parts to the question). Must be a 200 word count and in own words.
Week 2 Corporate culture and ethical decision making
This discussion question should be at least 200 words long, in your own words, and substantive in nature. Be sure to completely answer the specific question you choose.
Do ONE of the following:
-Explain the corporate culture in your organization or another health care organization and identify how that culture impacts ethical decision making.
-Explain how corporate leadership in your health care organization or a health care organization you are familiar with impacts the culture and ethics of the organization.
-Describe three ways that safeguards can be put in place within a health care organization to ensure that the organization acts ethically. Analyze whatfactors in your organizational culture make the safeguards easy or hard to implement.
-Give an example, from your experience or a current event in the news, of a health care organization that faced an ethical decision. Summarize the situation and how it was handled. Analyze the corporate culture and how it impacted decision making.
-Explain the role of an organizational ethical code in health care ethical decision making. Provide an example from your experience or the news.
-Explain how a professional code of ethics such as the AMA or ANA code of ethics impacts the professional decision making of health care professionals within an organization.
Need1reference and citation (Choose any one, please follow direction and answer all parts to the question). Must be a 200 word count and in own words.