The case below is a good one as it ties concepts from the earlier chapters in with this week’s topics of Motivation. Read the case in the file below (up to the highlighted part on the last page), and respond the to questions/prompts. 

Answer the following questions: 

  • What motivational problem is this organization facing? How do you know?
  • What theories and behaviors from previous chapters have you recognized in this case (pick 2-3). How are those concepts related to the problem the organization is having?

 Submission Instructions:

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  • Your initial post should be 250-350 words in length, with justifications based on properly cited (current APA) theoretical references. 
  •  Your initial post is due by 9:00 PM ET Thursday 
  •  Please use current APA citations and references 

Side Note from Me: Attached is the Case and 3 summarized chapters that are relevant to this Case. I would talk about at least 2- lack of Job Satisfaction-Chpt.4, Path-Goal Theory Chpt.6 and Organizational Culture-Chpt. 14

The textbook is  Scandura, Terri A. (copyright 2022). Essentials of Organizational Behavior. Sage Publications, Inc. Thousand Oaks, CA USA. Kindle Edition. 

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