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Writer #262 only

Please follow the uploaded format instructions. The instructor has informed us that large amounts of points will be deducted if we don’t use the proper format

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This paper is due 2/1/2022

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APA format is extremely important to this instructor. He will take off a large amount of points for improper format and poor grammar.

Writer #262 only

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Assignment ContentWEEK FIVE ASSIGNMENT:This assignment will continue to build upon the previous information submitted and will be a paper that includes:·        A well-written introduction and conclusion·        Headings to organize your thoughts and provide structure for your paper·        References (see requirements below)·        APA formatting of references, citations, headings, and a cover pageSummarize the name of the city and healthcare system that you selected in Week One and include appropriate detail about the service or facility you propose, the floor plan you have designed, the workforce and organizational chart you envision, and any appropriate processes you have described that would be relevant to the final proposal.Include details that reflect the anticipated costs of providing the health care service and running the facility you have proposed. Include an evaluation of your planned revenue streams and determine whether you would still be in business a year after you open. It is recommended that you create a simple spreadsheet to show the financial information you will include in your final presentation.An example of the costs you might consider include:·        Loans (property, equipment, inventory)·        Rent·        Salaries·        Telecommunications·        Utilities·        Licensing and permits·        Taxes·        Distribution·        Promotion·        MaintenanceAlso, consider the following sources for income and cost-sharing:·        Revenue streams·        Partnerships with local organizationsCite three reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

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