Understanding deviance by Tammy L. Anderson.

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Introduction and Growth of Chicago and Differentiation of Local Areas fromJuvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas, Clifford R. Shaw and Henry D. McKay

Collective Efficacy Theory: Lessons Learned and Directions for Future Inquiry, Robert J. Sampson /

  1. Shaw and McKay’s delinquency studies link the growth and differentiation of Chicago to social disorganization and crime rates in city neighborhoods. Summarize the various concentric zones of the map of Chicago as discussed on pp. 109-110. Which zone has the highest rates of crime/delinquency and why?

  1. Discuss in detail Sampson’s concept of collective efficacy (pp. 128-129). Do you think collective efficacy adequately is an adequate explanation for lower crime rates in city neighborhoods? Why or why not?

Understanding deviance by Tammy L. Anderson

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