
As part of the IEP team, general education teachers and special education teachers must possess an understanding of the eligibility categories used to determine whether a student is eligible to receive special education services. General education teachers and special education teachers must collaborate and communicate in a professional and articulate manner with school psychologists, related service providers, administrators, colleagues, and families when determining eligibility for special education services and providing a rationale to support the need for delivery of services.

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Part 1: Disability Comparison Template

Using the study materials and your research, complete the “Disability Comparison Template.” Follow the example provided in the “Autism” row in the template. Document the specific resources used to complete the assignment on the “References” page of the template.

Part 2: Simulations

To gain a greater understanding of the challenges faced by students with disabilities, particularly those with dyslexia, complete the five simulation activities from “Through Your Child’s Eyes” as part of the topic assignment. Follow the steps below to complete each of the five simulations:

Access “Through Your Child’s Eye” on the Understood website.

You don’t need to do all these steps just watching one video that’s all 


2. Select “Experience It.”

3. Select a grade level that is appropriate to your field of study.

4. You will complete each of the five simulations presented.

5. Select whichever category you prefer first, and then select “Continue” to get an overview of the simulation.

6. Select “Get Started,” read “Here’s How It Works….” and then select “Continue.”

7. Select “Start” when you are ready to begin the simulation activity.

8. Repeat Steps 1-7 until all five simulations are completed.

Be prepared to discuss what the simulation experiences taught you about how to recognize some of the typical signs of dyslexia and how dyslexia can affect other areas of learning and life, not just reading.

Part 3: Reflection

In 250-500 words, consider that you learned from researching, completing the matrix, and participating in the simulations by discussing the following.

· Explain why it is important for teachers to be able to identify developmental and individual differences and recognize some of the typical signs of various disabilities when interacting with students.

· Describe how you can use what you experienced while completing the simulations to help you better articulate the challenges faced by students with disabilities to those who are non-disabled. Include discussion of how this experience can be used to help you collaborate and seek best practices for working with students with a wide range of disabilities.

· Discuss how having a basic understanding of the ways various disabilities affect learning and other areas of a student’s life can assist teachers in responding to the needs of individuals with disabilities.

Support the assignment with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

((Disability Comparison Template I will be sent it in a different attachment ))

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