Unit III Safety Assessment.


Your employee is working on a scaffold and is anchored to a trolley anchor 3 feet above the D-ring, using a 6-foot shock-absorbing lanyard. The back D-ring height is 5 feet, and the safety factor is 2. The deceleration distance is 3 feet. Calculate the total fall clearance distance. Show all calculations.

There is no minimum word count for this question; however, you must show your work/calculations.

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A construction worker is anchored level with his or her D-ring using a 6-foot rip-stitch lanyard. The back D-ring height is 5.5 feet. Deceleration distance is 3.0 feet. The safety factor is 2 feet. Calculate the total fall clearance distance. Show all calculations.

There is no minimum word count for this question; however, you must show your work/calculations.


Your company has an electric forklift with a 4,000-pound capacity at a 34-inch load center. Calculate the safe load capacity for this forklift at a 38-inch load center. 

There is no minimum word count for this question; however, you must show your work/calculations.


Your company’s gas-powered forklift has a 12,000-pound capacity at a 38-inch load center. Calculate the safe load capacity for this forklift at a 40-inch load center.

There is no minimum word count for this question; however, you must show your work/calculations.

Unit III Safety Assessment

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