Unit III Scholarly Activity.

Hazard Analysis

Your boss has asked you to investigate these operations and tasks that he feels have a significant potential for injury in the manufacturing plant:

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  1. Operating electric forklifts in narrow aisles,

2.  Repairing the hydraulic system on the gas-powered forklift, and

  • Operating the large sheet metal shear.

For each of the three tasks, do the following:

Identify a minimum of two (or three) hazards of the operation and the injuries that could result from exposure to them. Determine the control measures that would eliminate the identified hazards or reduce the risk (severity and/or probability) of injury. Be sure to consider all levels in the hierarchy of controls.
Analyze the effectiveness of each control measure by assessing the risks before and after the control is implemented. Provide your recommendations for which control measures should be implemented and why you chose them.

Your submission must be a minimum of two pages, not including title and reference pages, and follow APA guidelines. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Unit III Scholarly Activity

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