Week 1 Project.


Supporting Lectures:

Review the following lectures:

  • Employee Value-Investment Perspective
  • HR and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • HR – Employee Value & Investment Perspective
  • Human Capital, Metrics, and Value
  • HR and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Scenario—ABC International, Inc.

The chief executive officer (CEO) of ABC International, Inc. has hired you as the external consultant to assess the steps required to help HR align with the organization, create employee value, and give the organization a competitive advantage.

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For this project, use a previous or present employer; however, the name of the organization will remain anonymous. In lieu of the organization’s name, insert ABC International, Inc. This organization will be used in weeks 1-3. The CEO realizes that changes need to occur. Implementing an organization wide strategic plan will give the organization a competitive advantage and prevent rightsizing.


For this assignment, compose an essay to address the three (3) part criterion listed below.

  • Create a summary of the organization.
  • Develop interview questions to ask the CEO.
  • Evaluate the responses from the CEO.
  • Research the CEO’s responses to the interview questions with scholarly literature.
  •  Design a new Mission Statement.
  • To support your work, use your course and textbook readings as well as the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Part 1: Organization Overview

  • Historical overview of the organization
  • Number of employees (include managers, CEOs, VPs, etc.)
  • Number of departments
  • Board members
  • Mission statement
  • Organization chart

Part 2: CEO Interview & Summarize CEO Responses

  • Social mission
  • Human capital
  • Engaging employees
  • Leadership’s influence on employee performance and morale
  • Current business strategy to gain the competitive edge
  • Corporate governance policy

Part 3: Building on the CEO’s Responses & Designed a New Mission Statement

  • Social mission
  • Human capital
  • Engaging employees
  • Leadership’s influence on employee performance and morale
  • Current business strategy to gain the competitive edge
  • Corporate Governance
  • New Mission Statement

Submission Details:

  • Length of Paper – 2 to 3 pages
  • Name your file as SU_HRM5000_U1_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
  • By the due date assigned, submit it to the Submissions Area.

Week 1 Project

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