Week 2 Assignment-MEMORIAL HOSPITAL.

Read the “Memorial Hospital” case study in Chapter 4 of your text. In a three- to four-page paper, respond to the guided response below.

  1. Discuss ways that a hospital might measure quality. Be sure to explain your reasoning.
  2. Explain the potential costs and failures of quality for Memorial Hospital and discuss how each can be measured.
  3. Discuss ideas or techniques from TQM that Janice could use to help Memorial focus on providing quality health care.
  4. Analyze the methods Memorial could use to assess the quality of health care it is providing.

Your paper should be in paragraph form (avoid the use of bullet points) and supported with the concepts outlined in your text and additional scholarly sources

Submit your three- to four-page paper (not including the title and reference pages). Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center and must cite at least three scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.

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