Blockchain is a highly debated new technology that could impact the supply chain in the future. However, blockchain’s applicability in logistics is being questioned by many experts.

Based on your readings and resources reviewed, including recent peer-reviewed journal articles, define blockchain and its possible uses in logistics and then outline some potential benefits and drawbacks in supply chain management.

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Write a two (2) page paper using current APA formatting and include the following:

  • Title and references pages (not included in the page requirement)
  • Minimum of five (5) references (2 peer-reviewed)

However, before you start, you will notice throughout this class the requirement to use peer-reviewed journal articles. Experience has shown that many students are not really sure what peer-reviewed articles are or where to find them for their research. Review the information on the Research and Writing Guides page and watch the videos for help in finding peer-reviewed articles.

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