Research a scholarly journal article regarding childhood education and intelligence. Provide a summary of that article. Using what you found and relevant information from your course and text readings respond to the following.

  • At some point, all elementary school teachers encounter students with learning or behavioral disorders. What are the advantages and disadvantages of mainstreaming and full inclusion for children with learning or behavioral disorders, their peers, and their teachers?
  • Briefly research bilingualism in childhood. What are some potential benefits and challenges of being a bilingual child? How do these benefits and challenges change as the child grows into an adolescent and an adult?
  • Describe the influence of Gardner’s theory of eight intelligences on the traditional education model that emphasizes the three Rs: reading, writing, and arithmetic. If you were a teacher, how would you incorporate Gardner’s theory into your classroom activities? Provide specific examples of the eight types of intelligence.

Respond to one student posts – 4 sentences 

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