At the end of the week, students will know and be able to:

  • Summarize components and guidelines for performance evaluations of international employees.
  • Generalize objectives and components of international compensation programs.
  • Summarize components of international training and development.

Readings and Resources:

  • Readings from ebookLinks to an external site.:
    • Chapter 10: International Training and Management Development
    • Chapter 11: International Compensation and Benefits
    • Chapter 12: International Employee Performance Management
  • Videos:

The Quickwrite consists of 5 questions (answer each question in a complete paragraph 150-200 words):

  • What terms were the most important concepts of this week’s lesson? Be sure to define any important terms in your own words.
  • What was your muddiest point (that is, what did not make sense)? Identify at least one resource (outside of your textbook) that is scholarly/practitioner based and cite it in APA style that helps resolve this question.
  • What would you like to know more about from this lesson, and why? Identify at least one resource (outside of your textbook) that is scholarly/practitioner based and cite it in APA style that helps resolve this question (this must be different from the source that you cite for the second question).
  • How does this lesson relate to something you have already learned outside of this class?
  • How might you apply the lesson to your present or future work experiences?
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