Week 6 Global Economy and Week 14 Enterprise Risk Management. Week 6 Global Economy

Chapter 15 – From the week’s chapter reading, we learn from the author’s case studies that, despite the alleged importance of scientific advice in the policy-making process, its evident that scientific results are often not used. Why? The authors proposed a science-policy interface that would be realized by the inclusion of information visualization in the policy analysis process. That way, the gap between both fields can be addressed based on the current challenges of science-policy interfaces with visualizations.

Q1: According to Shneiderman and Bederson (2003), information visualization emerged from research in human-computer interaction, computer science, graphics, visual design, psychology, and business. With this revelation in mind, identify, and discuss the benefits?

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identify, and name these benefits,

provide a short and clear narrative (no more than 100-words) to support your response — Not a general definition from the Internet,

Chapter 16 – Following the chapter reading, the authors assert that the twentieth century is considered as the century of population explosion and fossil fuel burning, environmental policies and the transition to effective use of renewable energy sources as a priority with a strategic focus on specific countries around the world. In addition, this move has created several different projects whose main focus is to formulate policies associated with climate change and energy governance. Many of the policies and projects identified aim to support the energy sources switching between fuels like fossils and nuclear power to renewables like solar, wind, and or water. Specifically, the chapter provides the foundations of policy implementation, and methods as well as investigations of five policy implementation case studies through a comparative analysis.

Q2: Looking further into the chapter, theoretical grounds of policy implementation, Buse et al., (2012) argue that policy implementation is the execution of a formulated policy – turning theory into practice. When turning theory into practice, the authors stated that it was common for certain observations. What are those observations?

identify, and name those observations,

provide a short and clear narrative to support your response based on this case study — Not a general definition from the Internet,



Week 14 Enterprise Risk Management

For the Chessfield Case Study:

Identify broad implications of this case as you compare this case others scenario, and if you feel that this issue could be resolved by additional regulation

For the Bon Boulangerie Case Study:

What are the operational risks of expanding the business so quickly? Identify as many as you can think of.

For both questions, answer with as much detail as necessary for a substantial, doctoral-level response.


Week 6 Global Economy and Week 14 Enterprise Risk Management

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