Assignment ContentEthical decision-making in health care is important to all stakeholders, including patients and staff. You will use this assignment to understand keywords and definitions used in health care ethics, as well as ethical theories, your ethical values, and methodologies used in making ethical decisions.Complete theEthical Decisions Worksheet.Cite at least 2 reputable references used to complete your matrix. One reference must be your textbook, Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues. Reputable references include trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, a textbook, or other sources of similar quality.Must add Pg# to in-text citation when referencing Textbook.Reference is at the end of the Chapter 5 attachmentFormat your references section and references used in your matrix according to APA guidelines. Include a title page at the beginning of your worksheet.***OMIT PART 1 ON WORKSHEET***

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