Women in the Work Place, management assignment help.

This paper is designed to demonstrate the management skill of applying their skills of planning, leading, organizing and controlling to an extremely current global issue. This paper is designed for you to identify a problem (Women in the Workplace) within the global marketplace and then apply planning, leading, organizing and controlling to the identified problem.

After reading and understanding the text, handouts and on-line discussions, students are to view the current global business environment. It is important for students to remember that this is a current snapshot of how things are the day you are taking this class. The paper does not address global concerns that occurred more than twelve months ago. Students are also to remember that the analysis is for a global concern – not something that only concerns the United States (although the effects on the United States could be mentioned). . Remember you are to only pick one issue and research (Wikipedia references are not accepted) current press, or press releases, financial statements or whatever primary source data you can identify that will help to bring forward your diagnosis of a current global concern. Then apply your recommendations using planning, leading, organizing and controlling as headings.

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3-4 Page Paper

The paper should answer the following questions:

  • What is the one current global issue that is being addressed?
  • Why is the issue global in scope?
  • Who are the major groups affected by this global issue?
  • What earlier events contributed to this global issue?
  • How did this current issue become important to you?

Women in the Work Place, management assignment help

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