Write a professional letter to your Sheriff’s Department to submit your resume. See doc sharing for an example. Include in your letter your name and a fake address and create a fake name and address for your Sheriff, a Re: Subject, the body of the letter, a closing. Attach your resume if you like as well.


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  • The deliverable length of your homework assignment is 400-500 words, one to two double spaced pages (does not include title page or reference page).
  • Remember to create in-text citations for every source you use to create a sentence for your paper.
  • Every in-text citation must have a corresponding reference on the reference page of your paper.
  • All homework assignments must be in APA format. They must have a title page, body, and reference page.
    • Every in-text citation must have a corresponding reference on the reference page of your paper.
    • Papers must be double spaced, using 10-12 point font, with one inch margins all the way around.
    • Tip: Website addresses are NOT references; they are links to websites only.
    • A reference contains four basic parts: An Author, year, title, and publisher. A website address does not contain those parts and is, therefore, not a reference.
    • Please do not include only a website address as a “source” in your references list.

For citation guidelines, please refer to the table in the APA Style section of the syllabus.

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