
When the relationship between two or more independent variables needs to be tested, a common tool to use is a regression analysis. Take, for example, a study that shows the relationship between gaming and teen violence or a study that shows a correlation between fast-food eating habits and obesity. Complete the following for this assignment:

  • Describe 2–3 combinations of independent and dependent variables that you could test using a regression analysis.
  • What types of results could the regression analysis yield? How could you use the knowledge gained from the test?
  • Describe a specific organizational application of correlation and regression that you will use in your future career.
  • Describe a situation in your current or former workplace for which it would be appropriate to use correlation and regression to predict a future outcome that the company may be interested in. If you do not have an example for your workplace, please substitute a company that you are familiar with instead.
    • Why do you believe it is important for the company to look at these variables? What does the company risk if it does not do this correlation/regression?

Present your findings as a Word document of 3–5 pages (body of paper) formatted in APA style.

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