“Data Visualization” Please respond to the following:

  • Option 1: Contrast the differences between presenting facts and opinions. How should each be handled in a research presentation?
  • Option 2: How do you plan to prepare the data for your project? How will this enable a layperson audience to understand your findings and support actionable insights?
  • Respond to the two peer posts below:

Peer Post #1

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For this week I chose option two.– How do you plan to prepare the data for your project?

I believe that one of the ways we can prepare the data for our project is to collect the data we have found throughout the course. We can incorporate spreadsheets, tables, slideshows that provide a clear vision of progress or differences, apart from adding visual interest for the audience that is easily distracted, or that prefers visual information rather than written content only.

– How will this enable a layperson audience to understand your findings and support actionable insights?

One of the ways to attract and maintain the interest of the audience is to use a visual method and incorporate in these illustrations the data that we have obtained during the course. Prepare a plan of action and tracking of our company, as well as making sure to incorporate them to benefit the progress of the company.


Peer Post # 2

Ashley Nelson

RE: Week 9 Discussion 1


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Ashley: Hi Everyone,

Week 9 Discussion 1

“Data Visualization” Please respond to the following:

Option 1: Contrast the differences between presenting facts and opinions. How should each be handled in a research presentation?

Option 2: How do you plan to prepare the data for your project? How will this enable a layperson audience to understand your findings and support actionable insights?

Option 1:

The contrast between fact and opinion is, facts can be proven as correct. Opinions are just reviewing of subjects/topics or things of interest. An opinion is not a fact and can be proven wrong. A fact is analytically correct and has evidence that supports the claims the fact states. Opinions are like reviews in the sense it’s the point of view from an individual, so like a vlog, comment section, article written solely by one person’s POV or a conversation where everyone says what he or she wishes. I chose to go with facts-based research rather than opinions. Scholarly sources, information from analysis tools and sites that specialize in gathering information. Rather than relying on sources like Wikipedia, where anyone can change the information around as he or she wishes. So, definitley I found some sound research, and some facts that can be proven. I included how the stock market for the business I chose is doing, future projections, annual income reports, revenue and quarterly reports. I used my sources throughout the essay and cited the works I used. In a research presentation, only facts that can be proven should be utilized. When writing a research paper, everything written in that paper must come from a literary source of some kind. So, when researching a business analysis tools are the best bet. So definitely I utilized analysis tools for content. The information found on an analysis tool website are fact based and cannot be argued as incorrect. Unlike an opinion, opinions aren’t fact based and usually start out with “I, they, we or in my opinion”. That is what I wanted to avoid is starting sentences with “I”. Then instead of the paper being fact based, it would sound like a long-winded opinion. So, when writing an essay that is based on fact, your opinion should not show through or be spoken above fact.

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