1. By Wednesday, POST the following:

Effective persuasion techniques in one culture may not work in another culture. 

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For this discussion post, do a web search on “intercultural communication” and locate a topic that is important for technical (professional) communication. Please do not use one of the first few articles/examples that comes up in a Google search

Take time to research. 

  1. Then in about 200 words or more, write a summary (present the research in your own words) of your findings, and discuss some of the steps a writer can take to address the needs of a global and international audiences. Include why persuasive techniques are effective in one culture and not effective in another. 
  • Think about why considering your audience and their background, experiences, etc…is so important before you respond.

Citing your Sources: Everything must in your own words, including what you learn from your research. In addition, you MUST cite your source(s) intext and in a works cited. Please cite in a meaningful way. Research must include an attributive tag AND an end citation. For example, an attributive tag should be included when you present research as this gives the research credibility; for example, In the article, “Knowing your Evidence,” John Smith, an expert in forensic analysis, explains that……. (31). This shows the reader where the research came from, and that the person being referenced is credible because we know his credentials. There must also be an end citation in addition to the attributive tag – it’s not enough to just have an attributive tag.

Having both an attributive tag (name of article, author, and author’s credentials) and end an end citation (“31” in this example), tells the reader when the research starts and when it ends. This is not an option in this course. If you have a direct quote, you must include the page or paragraph number.

Format: singled-spaced paragraphs with an additional space between paragraphs. 

In addition, to conducting online research on reaching and persuading a Global and International audience, refer to the readings below: 

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