Discussion forum on chapter readings.

Required Textbook:

Arun, J. S., Cuomo, J., & Gaur, N. (2019). Blockchain for Business. New York: Pearson Addison-Wesley.

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What are Smart Contracts and how might they be applied in human resource management?

You are required to cite this week’s assigned readings(see attachment) in your paper.

1. Druck, J. A. (2018, October). Smart Contracts are neither smart nor contracts. Discuss. Banking & Financial Services Policy Report, 37(10), 5-9.

Use the following headings to organize your paper:


Question 1,



Your response to the discussion prompt should contain a minimum of 500 words.

Writing Requirements for the Assignments:

Textbook and assigned reading reference must be used.

References MUST be cited within your paper in APA format. Your reference page and in-text citations must match 100%. Papers without in-text citations will earn failing grades.

Discussion forum on chapter readings

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