Week 3 Assignment. Discussion Board Forum 2 – Part A
Each of us has unique experiences and perceptions that shape what we believe about the world. These beliefs and underlying assumptions affect our natural approach to research. Some philosophical worldviews are more congruent with qualitative research, while others align with quantitative research. After reviewing the Reading and Study material for this module and considering the four philosophical worldviews (i.e. positivism, post-positivism, constructionism, pragmatic) discussed in the text, please respond to the following:

1. Which philosophical worldview most closely aligns with your perspective and the way that you view problems in the world? How so?

2. How does understanding the connection between philosophical worldview and research methodology assist in your research approach?

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3. Compare/contrast research philosophical worldview with that of a Christian worldview. Are there any areas that are problematic or do most philosophical worldviews appear to be congruent with a Christian worldview?

The thread must have at least 300 words and two outside scholarly resources plus the textbook for a minimum of 3 resources.

Week 3 Assignment

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