Assignment 7A

Discuss your experience of this course including a review of the assignments, case studies and discussion forum’s that you found most beneficial.  What is the most significant concept from this course that you will carry with you as you continue your educational journey?

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Assignment 7B

Please have 3 economic indicators and 3 web sites identified for this milestone. Equals 9 in total( ALREADY DID 6)

Web Site Rating Description Applications Examples
Please profile full URL address 1 (low) to 5 (high) Thorough description of the web site content explaining features of the site including reference tools, data sets and other benefits. Explain applications typical with the web site and what resources are most important in using this web site for economic research and data analysis. List examples of applications suitable for the web site.
Please profile full URL address  1 (low) to 5 (high)   Thorough description of the web site content explaining features of the site including reference tools, data sets and other benefits.   Explain applications typical with the web site and what resources are most important in using this web site for economic research and data analysis.   List examples of applications suitable for the web site.
Please profile full URL address  1 (low) to 5 (high)   Thorough description of the web site content explaining features of the site including reference tools, data sets and other benefits.   Explain applications typical with the web site and what resources are most important in using this web site for economic research and data analysis.   List examples of applications suitable for the web site.



Key Indicator Purpose Application / Use Example
Name and Abbreviation Outline the primary purpose of the indicator and briefly describe source and course of information Describe the primary use of the indicator and where it has best application and interpretative meaning in economic analysis. Provide examples of how to use the indicator in economic research
Name and Abbreviation Outline the primary purpose of the indicator and briefly describe source and course of information Describe the primary use of the indicator and where it has best application and interpretative meaning in economic analysis. Provide examples of how to use the indicator in economic research
Name and Abbreviation Outline the primary purpose of the indicator and briefly describe source and course of information Describe the primary use of the indicator and where it has best application and interpretative meaning in economic analysis. Provide examples of how to use the indicator in economic research

Assignment 7C

Option 1

The Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership is certainly a controversial global economic issue with supporters on both sides of the aisle.   Throughout this course, you have been creating a table containing new fewer than 9 economic web resources and 9 key economic indicators which will be leveraged, along with others potentially, to support your position regarding the proposed implementation of the TPP by the United States.   You are strongly encouraged to research and reference the implementation and economic results of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in your response.  Please be sure to reference and include analysis of the Trade-In Services addendum in your paper. 

As you write your paper, as with most business papers, acknowledge the key points that support the opposite position of yours and offer other insight to their potential key points.   This illustrates that you are not simply supporting a partisan position but have carefully assessed all of the quantitative data in arriving at your conclusion

Option 2

Prepare a paper outlining the justification for implementing a new Economic Advisory Group, headed by a CEO, Chief Econometric Officer, for your company or organization.  Describe the activities, applications, justification and benefits of implementing an Economics Advisory operating unit.   Your paper must convince the Board of Directors of the many advantages of an Economic Advisory Group and highlight specific initiatives that this team will address in your company or organization.  Offer examples where applicable and provide concrete problem/action/result strategies to overcome apparent company obstacles. 

The paper to be written and submitted as the Final Course Project, should be a minimum of 1500 Words in length, without counting the cover page and reference pages.   That being said, quality of presentation outweighs page count.  There must be a minimum of 5 outside sources cited in the reference section.  All citations must be in APA format.  


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